Resilient Mind

Grow your mental strength & feel empowered to take up more challenges one journal entry at a time

Mindful Happiness

Selflove & Gratitude Journals

With practice to more joy, contentment & optimism …

… in spite of unfulfilled aspirations and a demanding life.

Release Self-Doubt
Increase Resilience
Become Happier

Practice yourself happy!

Is your mind often consumed by negative thoughts and you feel like your head is getting in the way of a happier you? Instead, you want to feel more at ease? Try to begin practicing contentment actively to create more joy and energy in your life. 

Whether you are unhappy with yourself or with a life situation, you can practice being happy and find inner peace. A dedicated gratitude journal can help you do this.

I bought this journal in hope to feel less pressure and more balance in my life. And it works! With the daily gratitude practice, I feel more relaxed, free from repetitive thoughts, and empowered to take up more challenges. It seems my life gets easier, and I love it! It’s impressive what difference such an effortless daily habit can make.


It doesn't have to be this inner struggle all the time ...

Often we want something different than what we have at this moment … being more successful, being thinner, being better, having no problems, the next vacation, a different job, freedom, the next adventure …

The possibilities are endless these days. As a result, we lose touch with what we have already achieved and experienced; with who we already are. This is a major source of dissatisfaction. We can change that!

If we do not practice contentment actively

We have good times. And we have bad times. Our happiness rises and falls. But it rarely goes beyond its peak.

When we purposefully practice contentment

Good times and bad times will always be a part of our lives. But what if one day our bad times are even better than our past good times?

This is such a nice journal. It helps me to focus on the positive moments in my life and is more than just a list of things. It collects memories and this brings more joy into my life. The journal includes many helpful tips, inspirational quotes and makes it so easy to integrate gratitude into my daily routine. I love using it!


When we begin the day with joy in our hearts

Our brains automatically focus on the areas we are unhappy with. If we practice redirecting our focus, we can learn to pay more attention to the good things in our lives. This gives us the strength to better deal with the more difficult areas.

All we need for this is a journal, intentional questions, and 5 mindful minutes a day for ourselves. My guided gratitude journal gives you just that.

A place to practice contentment purposefully.

Questions that make it easy for you to focus on the good.

A habit that is easy to integrate into everyday life.

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I’m new to journaling, and in the past found it hard to put my daily thoughts into writing. This beautiful gratitude journal, with its guided prompts and exercises sprinkled throughout, has really been helpful in
building a journaling practice. I personally like that the pages are undated, so if I do happen to miss a day (crazy schedules!) I can easily pick it back up without feeling like I’m behind. I love that there is some extra free space on each page, where I add my little art doodles, or extra thoughts that come up. And the front/back cover artwork makes me smile whenever I pick this up to write in it. A lot of thought has gone into the creation of this journal, and I can foresee reordering it again and again.


When opening the jounal you can see how much thoughts the author put into the content and design elements. The exercises are really effective and it is fun to open the journal every day. I can really see how using “My happy place” improved my physical state and mind. I highly recommend it to everybody and will buy the second edition, too. Can’t wait for more to come!


This guided gratitude journal is full of thoughtful exercises, lessons, quotes, and prompts to help you develop or enhance a daily gratitude practice. It includes info on the science of happiness research related to gratitude and shares helpful tips for practice. It’s beautifully laid out and playful in its approach. I have been using gratitude lists for a couple of years but found that eventually I started just going through the motions. This journal has really helped me to think more deeply about the practice, sparking real feelings of gratitude, making it more than just an intellectual exercise.


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I bought this journal in hope to feel less pressure and more balance in my life. And it works! With the daily gratitude practice, I feel more relaxed, free from repetitive thoughts, and empowered to take up more challenges. It seems my life gets easier, and I love it! It’s impressive what difference such an effortless daily habit can make.


Feel Happier Each Day

You know, so many women feel anxious, alone, insignificant or fearful these days. They worry about the future, their mistakes or what goes wrong each day. They feel like they are failing in life. I create guided journals that help women to feel more positive about themselves and their lives.

Release Self-Doubt

Your mind holds you back from fulfilling your potential and enjoying your life? My guided journals help you to let go of self-doubts so you have more energy to live your ideal life.

Increase Resilience

You want to feel less pressure and more balance in your life despite the many responsibilities? Gratitude is scientifically proven to increase your resilience and my journals help you feel more empowered so you can focus on doing your best work and serving others.

Wake Up Happier

By getting out of negative thoughts you have more mental energy for all those things you want to do each day. My journals help you to better ‘be’ in life so you live with more positivity, hope and joy.

This is such a nice journal. It helps me to focus on the positive moments in my life and is more than just a list of things. It collects memories and this brings more joy into my life. The journal includes many helpful tips, inspirational quotes and makes it so easy to integrate gratitude into my daily routine. I love using it!


The 'My Happy Place' Series

01 - Cultivate a Gratitude Attitude

My Happy Place – Vol. 1 is a guided gratitude journal that helps you to create a more positive outlook on life and feel better about yourself.

02 - Deepen Your Gratitude Attitude

My Happy Place – Vol. 2 follows Vol. 1 and helps you to feel more abundant rather than fearful and to be able to achieve more in this state.

03 - Maintain Your Gratitude Attitude

My Happy Place – Vol. 3 is a guided gratitude journal that you can use repeatedly to continuously feel empowered to live your ideal life.

Nice Gratitude Journal, much more content and tips than I would expect for the price. Beautiful graphics and perfect size to keep it on the bedside table. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to practice gratitude.


Hey, I’m Aileen:

I create guided journals for your happiness

The journals I create came out of my own challenges. Never feeling good enough led to burnout, depression and worthlessness. A simple daily ritual like journaling helped me to re-connect to my life and feel better about myself.

That made me passionate about creating guided journals that help women feel more positive about their life and themselves.

When I am not designing new journals that help you feel happier, then I am hiking, enjoying nature, practicing yoga, reading or crocheting and … journaling of course.

Live Your Ideal Life

Life is more and more demanding and everything can easily feel too much. Numbing ourselves with meaningless distractions is one common result which often leads to beating ourselves up even more.

How would your life be different if you had a positive outlook and would feel more optimistic?

What if you can create an emotional more balanced life in which you make more progress toward your goals, feel empowered to take up more challenges, and are ultimately happier?

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