Let's create a happier world together!

So many people feel anxious, alone, insignificant or fearful these days. They worry about the future, their mistakes or what goes wrong each day. They feel like they are failing in life. I found my purpose in creating guided journals that help people feel more positive about themselves and their lives.

Hello, I'm Aileen

I create guided journals for your happiness

The journals I create were born out of my own challenges. Never feeling good enough led to burnout, depression, and feelings of worthlessness. A simple daily ritual like journaling helped me reconnect with my life and feel better about myself.

This made me passionate about creating guided journals that help people feel more positive about their lives and themselves.

When I am not designing new journals that help you feel happier, then I am hiking, enjoying nature, practicing yoga, reading, sewing, or crocheting, and … journaling, of course.

About You

I wish I could tell you that thinking positive is easy. We hear everywhere that cultivating a positive attitude is key for a happy and fulfilling life.

Yet, hearing someone telling you to think positive can also hurt. At least when you have tried several times. It may have worked in the moment, but the nagging negative thoughts came back again and again. Whether you are beating yourself up about something you did wrong or something you didn’t do. Whether you worry a lot or often feel anxious. You are not alone!

The way we think is an ingrained mental habit. It is something we’ve learned and reinforced over many years. It is nothing we change overnight. Instead, it is a consistent practice to re-train our mind.

But how do you practice something that is invisible like your thought patterns?

About The Approach

Thoughts are fleeting. They are intangible. We often even don’t notice them. Thinking positive is nothing you can put on a list and tick at the end of your day.

I had my challenges with this as you can read in my story below. With trial and error, I’ve found a way to make the intangible more tangible. Guided journals. A guided journal gives you a place to practice positive thinking. Carefully chosen questions will guide you to focus on the positive moments in your life. They make the practice easy and consistent, so you feel motivated to do it daily until positive thinking becomes second nature.

But beware …

Cultivating an overall positive mindset is not about telling yourself you are happy when you are truly not. It doesn’t mean to ignore negative emotions, instead it helps you to manage them better. It empowers you to react differently to any situation and helps you to get up after a setback and start over.

By consciously choosing to focus on positive moments in your life, you’ll begin to reframe your thoughts, cultivate an abundance mindset that is grateful and open. This is where my guided journals can help you re-train your mind to focus on the good in your life, so you feel empowered and receive the joy in your life.

Sounds interesting?

About Me

Hello, I’m Aileen.

I often felt like a failure in my life. I rarely felt good enough and often wanted to be someone else. Whenever I did something, I had painful self-doubts. I only could see my failures. In short, I had a deeply ingrained negative thinking habit since I can remember.

It was not just holding me back, but also made me feel worthless and depressed. I tried many techniques to become more optimistic but many “self-improvement tricks” failed. I thought something was wrong with me and each failure only added to my self-doubts.

I was able to change physical habits, like flossing my teeth. It was something I could add to my list and tick at the end of the day. Yet, mental habits felt extremely difficult to change. They were intangible, nothing I could just do and tick … until I discovered guided journals. A guided journal gave me a place to practice mental habits actively. Answering a question in a journal was something I could do and tick at the end of the day.

For me a daily guided journal practice has made a big difference in my day-to-day life. It helps me to handle more easily the tiny and often nagging negative thoughts that trigger difficult emotions. I bounce back much quicker from setbacks.

So, here I am … a perfectly imperfect human being striving to improve each day a tiny bit. Living with my husband in New Zealand, I enjoy hiking, being in nature, and exploring new places. Indoors, I love yoga, reading and crocheting. Fun fact: When words don’t come to mind while talking, I make up random new words at everyone’s pleasure.  

That’s me in a nutshell. I love to connect, so feel free to contact me. Share your story, ask a question or simply connect 🙂

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